Annie and Atif: The prince and princess of pop get together for Bol
Truth be told, the one person we miss the most out of everyone who
has gone AWOL in the Pakistani entertainment industry is Annie; "Annie
Princess” as loads of people call her. She has to be one of the most
charming women around at the
moment, as even with a voice that probably only her best friend loves,
you can’t really hate Annie. She is so sure of herself at all times,
whether her music is, umm, not brilliant, or whether it is unabashedly
talking about performing ‘My Heart Will Go On’ as the first song she
ever sung in public, as we wonder how Celine would feel about her
kitsch hit being butchered at an Abrar concert – Annie just doesn’t
care and sort of surges ahead like the force of nature she is.
So apart from some mighty strange rumours that have been doing the
rounds about Annie of late, the one that we have plucked midair and
chosen to dwell on is her collaborating with Atif on a song (or songs
if we are really lucky) called ‘Rootho Na’ on Shoaib Mansoor’s film
Bol. Now that is a prospect that truly makes us happy, as Atif and
Annie are two people who could get away with musical murder. And to be
absolutely fair, the song ‘Tenu Takya’ she had featured on a couple of
years ago had been quite catchy and she sounded in tune on it. Putting
Atif and Annie together is such a stroke of genius that we have
permanently crossed our fingers for this to be actually true.
Source : Instep News |